In my 21 years I have learned one thing that I'm certain about.
An apology is never really an apology. The word 'apology' means nothing in comparison to a statement expressing remorse, one can always confess ones heart out but the truth is, said words cannot be taken back. After every mistake we think about time travel, If only a moment can be gained we would make the past different and we would live it different.
It's remarkable that we are taught about the word 'sorry' since we learn the word 'mother'. Little kids don't even know what it means but still they learn to speak up and follow what they are taught. This is the truth. Only a hazy feeling can tell you that you are high but even we don't question that also. Sometimes anger produces situations or consequences that one cannot judge keeping ones conscious at stake. Anger is a surprise.
I think confessing for a sin is another sin because to whom you would confess would never actually let it go. I think this is the only reason why confessing to lord is the ultimate right and apology is the ultimate wrong.
Apology is a word of wisdom and people believe to follow the rule of confessing even though deep down they know that no wrong is left forsaken. A sin is always a sin.