Sunday, February 28, 2010

28th Feb, 2010

What can't be concealed can't be stolen and what can't be learned can't be taught, what can't trust can never love, what can't suffer can't love, what can't provide can't receive, what can't be alive can't be dead.

Love is different, hurt is just the same

Every new beginning brings a new story, perhaps the one with a different ending but

We come alone and we leave alone so why fill the gaps in the middle?

What cannot be dreamed of cannot be seen and what cannot be alive cannot be dead

These are mysterious ways

I can't sleep anymore but I guess I can try cause I have no reason to be awake

This is R double E N signing off at 5:10 AM Feb 28th, 2010.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

26 Feb, 2010

"Cursed be the ground for our sake. For Thorns and thistles, it shall bring fourth, for us. For out of the ground we were taken ... and to dust we shall return." Genesis 3:18

As the Metal Year destroys the Wood Tiger weakening it, this is an inauspicious year. But I'm not superstitious so I'll just do what I do best.

It ain't over yet

I'm just warming up

Monday, February 22, 2010

Trying to learn

You can run from Anything...but if u want to survive, u have to learn from your experiences to make your life better..


It's time to Begin

Friday, February 19, 2010

Purple Rain

And then I close my eyes and picture my whole life in one frame, one second, in one split second and then it was gone ……..

But then I opened my eyes and the world was a different place

I was reborn

And then I closed my eyes and wondered why

"My answers were in my questions"

Purple Rain

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Peace Inhales Anger

Mind connected by two worlds, hate and love

Souls connected by two words, 'angels' and 'god' up above

Hate always the greatest and love always the strongest

Hurt always short and healing always the longest

Promise always with truth and lie can always dangle

Past always like thunder and future like storms can tangle

Love always the best and loss always the danger

Love finds love when peace inhales anger

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Time passes day by day. You have to survive for living. Whatever you were asking for…you still couldn’t get. Still you are searching things that are not with you. Everything seems so dead and faded. You can only hear voices, sounds, sounds that evolve from everywhere, sounds of people, sound of wind, and sounds of things we made. You can hear all sounds but, you can’t hear voices that you always want to hear. Suddenly a voice whispers in your ear, you look around but there is no one. Again you hear that melodious voice and then you realize that it is the same voice you wanted to hear from such a long time, this voice makes you so Alive. Words of his voice give you courage, strength to do what’s right, to do the things that you always wanted to do and you know what? This sound comes from your heart. This leads you to the right path; you are now surround by the beauty of nature, colors of flowers, sparkling lights, butterflies everywhere. You were so numb that you were lost and you had no vision of where you wanted to be before, your life was unexplained but after hearing that sound you are so excited and you wanna do the things you haven’t done so far. Even you don’t know where you are going, even god can’t explain whether the path is right or wrong but you have believe in that voice and you are following it. You are not afraid of any consequences, you are only moving forward to your destiny.

Somebody told me destiny is the bridge which holds you and takes you to the right path of life and love is similar. Now I can say I found my love and my destiny has been amended.


“The devils are mad choking me with the confederate feeling
That comes from the separation of love and hate and angels, they consume inner healing
From the first breath out from the mother's womb
To the last air to the grave, besides another woman soon
Carrying hope and nothing to take but only the precedent,
A longing for another life with the curious wisdom of past, present to an end.
From right to wrong, truth to a lie, love and deceit to a smile and a cry
A man was made thru the echoes of some souls that’ll always fly
Though his heart still dark and hard like the stone not ready to melt
Their every tear for my drop of blood and the wounds that have dwelt
From the eyes of a newborn and his little happy sonnets
To the tunes of a man and his painful moments
From the eyes of angel guided by god to my eyes deflected by the devil
From an age without worries to a world in another level
From good times and togetherness to this hour and endless loneliness
Memories and shadows of all that remains that pains in the chest
To the end of our days and to another beginning with nothing to moan
When the thrill is gone, nothing will be forgotten and no one will be alone
But if only a dream and only a prayer could change the hurt
‘If’ is a part of life but a door will open if another will shut
But those were the days and these are the times
And this is the world hidden in these lines
From stories of love, pain, guilt, hate, forgiveness and lies
To what was once burned and turned into ashes and fireflies”


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

16 Feb. 2010

I spit for the dead ones in the arms of angels fulfilled by the keeper

I message to the reaper, take me now cause it's deep and it can't get more deeper

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb 11


Friday, February 5, 2010

Little Black Dog That Died

Little Black Dog That Died

Friday 05, January 2010

I kept feeding the little ones every day, reason is really simple, they are cute and they love me, including their mom.

Though last few days I could only see 5 of them, one black was missing and he was missing since last time I fed him. Even last night he was missing. I remember him cause I remember that one of them was fighting with all the others for food though being kind sometimes. No doubts he had to be my favorite cause he was pure black with no shades or dots. Authentically cute pup.

Just this morning when I walked out, I see him lying on the street in front of my own home. Something ran over it and crushed him to death. Lying there still, with legs moved back and mouth in agony of death and eyes open and no spots of cruelty like it was all hidden by the world that we had created. My neighbor was standing right next to me and she was looking at it too. For girls it’s hard and I guess this new generation is really thinking about doing something to change this world though i can’t tell. Gardner, sweaper, servants but nobody to pick him up. I took some pictures for this blog cause I had to write about it. That’s just a little I could do for all you reading this. With over 1000 readers now, thanks to add ons I can reach to all you and show you that we are cruel.

Tigers are disappearing, the only real king of the jungle is disappearing and we are the ones responsible.

God didn’t made us to rule everything, he of course made us the strongest of all other species but that doesn’t give us any right to do what we are doing.

I picked him up and kinda did my own thing, buried him in the backyard and I did marked the place as a burial site.

I’m not sad but one thing kinda hit me. I even captured it with my camera.

I can only say that he wanted answers. Why his brother can’t move anymore? Who would explain to him that perhaps a wrong turn would leave the lord no choice but to take him too

I guess the only thing his mama can teach him now is to be careful and learn before he starts running. In their world there is no payback, there is no shown remorse but there is this sad situation that don’t dissolve easily.

I fed them all after the incident and they were happy as shit like nothing happened. They are small and they are cute and I wouldn’t blame them if they grow up to be something that they weren’t supposed to be.

I buried him in the backyard, I really didn’t gave a fuck to what anyone would think about, even if she was proud standing there it wouldn’t matter.

The thing that is freaky is: If you touch it, it’s not even numb

And if you look at it, you know it’s gone, you look in the eye and you just know..........that there is this something that is gone and can’t even explain it.

You can smoke to the souls or you can bleed just to know that you are alive but in reality life is this easy

Death is the youngest of all

I’ll tell you, it doesn’t mean a thing. I didn’t do him a favor and he ain’t gonna know about it. The only thing is, we made all this and we are responsible. WE DON’T CARE

Nobody gives a fuck anymore.