I bet some never heard about Damien's in despair but I have seen enough.
You can never turn an angel into a devil and devil into something else, perhaps a devil into angel but never an angel into a devil.
They say you can turn calmness into anger by doubting it, friends into foes by doubting them, lovers into haters by doubting them but still you can't touch an angel, can't shake angels or twist them. God has sent some and only those who are in need know their worth.
An angel can be happy but sometimes sad too but you can never tell. It's like girls and orgasms.
Pain is perplexed in its terms when it comes to suffering. She'll hide it inside, only hurt through tears and they will calm her down. When she needs, none can fulfill and none wanna stay. So she sits and helps those who need her. She'll even let them go if the Damien calls but they'll always be in need of their angel.
Germans never lost the battle, they surrendered.
Damiens never won, they surrendered to angels and their life was taken in return for peace. This was the world that was made….a place called HEAVEN
Peace inhales anger and in the end exhales nothing.