Time passes day by day. You have to survive for living. Whatever you were asking for…you still couldn’t get. Still you are searching things that are not with you. Everything seems so dead and faded. You can only hear voices, sounds, sounds that evolve from everywhere, sounds of people, sound of wind, and sounds of things we made. You can hear all sounds but, you can’t hear voices that you always want to hear. Suddenly a voice whispers in your ear, you look around but there is no one. Again you hear that melodious voice and then you realize that it is the same voice you wanted to hear from such a long time, this voice makes you so Alive. Words of his voice give you courage, strength to do what’s right, to do the things that you always wanted to do and you know what? This sound comes from your heart. This leads you to the right path; you are now surround by the beauty of nature, colors of flowers, sparkling lights, butterflies everywhere. You were so numb that you were lost and you had no vision of where you wanted to be before, your life was unexplained but after hearing that sound you are so excited and you wanna do the things you haven’t done so far. Even you don’t know where you are going, even god can’t explain whether the path is right or wrong but you have believe in that voice and you are following it. You are not afraid of any consequences, you are only moving forward to your destiny.
Somebody told me destiny is the bridge which holds you and takes you to the right path of life and love is similar. Now I can say I found my love and my destiny has been amended.